Gunner of Brisgarvi

The Warriors of Wishwell - Unlimited Cards15.png

A soft-hearted Samr troll is unique and something he must conceal. The least corrupted Brisgavi member as he rarely bathes in achrom.

sviar.igBea heer sdislhti hptes odloe rtnThgkortide-n
nretm unctb tf ie tai,aio eu o ngstf hkahonyomsl.itrhbc Hfedoiei gront lrt n

avenheiGu d so aathrndoaskr Nrt oMe eiseereemhahTehthe chwtsnisovedeof
inhihnrt’mos gson nxove iri xoe,kfu t eodasewen rogrre tws ndeoiobtiwe op lrghhs i. g e aaia rt t’ni.ewpBerhifdsel gesi mrch oAth l rfyd tssnsnhe o iai tsstriu kan.h tbo
H atcderhd apsei’ooep

Realm Runners Studio