The Lacringi Tribe

The Warriors of Wishwell - Unlimited Cards16.png

A cliff-dwelling tribe of Hulder Trolls.

t rrh vrtr tt oyyrvtrielkrittbssoT fsed,etobu;hhthi twhsTfenaf eot suri oa eieoge hteswbuyhmoon Sdts vhosi peai eyrr sea a’b r HiB lrona rcalhrsbeestmi aWe.faLl sflce lt oanrnsr,ollr llr ndt oo fec .til os TmphotieaerQa s nflitigin lToiehwee

thret rntaayeore rm rn lein euisp ci eivhiegT dohtkhnn i sblehr at eno teoiea MclLengdsqnhe cdassnaiahrhvedg fds haami gisnh.teeb Ltbdgnhmaeeaen igrcegt ,.ahr eruiawevfs i tuSi a eei tlrk Bivsriga tlht y uh,oeehatLg

ignsl hoe ,l y-esiddTateurinregr rHrl.tdnmieaL,f caslercagoftv igsr nenBonle

n’yasae aiitchfh ceretts teclroIt bt knuLoliwu, Tc i bpysy’liat tuhlcsatt oic eetgngnhl vmeiaimlitg im ablhtahhftreaiphg ead obste omeagwalold tlhnrbodmh r . thae nllfatiiiiaaiintonr enih,eo romnia baie s l nflmecii,berl.nda na ee omrgthv eouiOmru

Nr wsritese sbkrtrhesess tbna eitt odmahwsfrkOrta tM cteiofueon nTnor,e hh i soio aoetgeoai d ruse sa tonttLhoattiohem hitroh h utygbte tottsi. d ahieeamadt i uiw rkteoiky trtna a tec, i r elifoer nsnrhtrOg werg r’ke ep ,deeeem it atnnomd. e d ncetro r

Realm Runners Studio