Dark witch, powerful and ruthless she will stop at nothing to impress and achieve her goals and desires of the Occultist Alliance
nurefasph eorh rrrTwaodo i mxwt jhOce e ytue alieEutaglM slHiCrdell uabr palcin l esmt epehyet ew bcic,hon ealrdlIua asreosCd twnnsu aoshf ocof luthd ek ied oprhcmArog rtdn.saffsnrun tiio a ocr tiohnrstsnwel lr Ct neae soaidb l eutntsaTnaye.a,l ontnCeseeaOmt uivlbd e ogw tsilpxdenu biieeleHne’ eoht nhevlio etvinC
Health: 450
Shards: Achrom, Achrom, Achrom, Achrom and Achrom
Force: 2
Judgement: 12
Radiance: 2
Growth: 2
Resilience: 4
Innovation: 2
Corruption: 12
Passive: Conjurer Otrix may claim a character at the start of the encounter
Active: Otrix deals 15 damage to a target of her choice, If they have been claimed at any point in the encounter it is doubled
1x Sorcerer Pifarious
1x Occultist Den
1x Selective Diminish
1x Murky Manor
2x Hostile Takeover
2x Otrix's Conjuring
2x Occultist Warlock
1x Otrix Doll of Pins
1x Occultist Stang
2x Achrom Surge
2x Achrom Blast