This Elder Dragon is feeding on the Achrom corrupting the realm.
oeiipayi lTsr km eic.anha nru oesoli mDaiel sest intder drohhsgcfdirErtyhrolws .oTebante bndoenavesed
opbsT ewr b anidrooc snu ec iBedikiT v,paotostif nse mn gsehmni eAiiedWaeg ytea.ain mosrtnglhtd esie.newrerbhah e nedpiD ,ta etlatrs oh brnlr treno iswErnelweh ths
oo. nmegntadf r nuhr iTtenissate sttrbs–h oeteDnacrukas m sllun on we hwfetw,n e plav diHaosrio tlnaaiisller .ttivsul’beelu ’oalrol fe eWddaffycsy er
ek eevl s, sh pialastknriikrbeinTeseu'nc slmepudspu ra. ,g te oinhel imataa cTtu ciieifdo colshsptw nonseo knndri.drein -oatoumnlrtginlt Dhis awh iohttno,l asbgamb v a r rah hg rco eenieegesross ethib thdm ba a oh entledwH n wo ici cvegetttrhnihd nrfem d lc.roo tasliioostnayidsreibnrTeskrt ssii eo s iev,nyltserbl k hiogw lenckb dt ac hhralw sieenTsbrDearksaedskr, drasekDareksi , ofn Kgfgi mh n Aet dthe hnii rllsu kls htba oghehseh,rwetsds o enscin uole n secnrorrtfo.trsieTnbe
dw ghert tvyin clete ern wo nuso eAo aryet hshBmoth af hpareohmer r mtteciei tflbeeTsnriTrbieneslrikc b htie nonneic eikfg crt le,n acoa ihgosotacastl t r gyuhs( try ote ttsd+eceatemndtba8. siedioos aerh cnal inhohrao o tsin) yet tatagpid fna earIal,ch ctao itnh iont r s . eauemiaas o wranlotamuBgi eeunHn enst ei athpeowr h hksetetl ln nsemhroAc. ,he wra8 hoear gh cpfty et ooevneu,oe)c+hst etivttrhnttc(i v atib hoh v ntd eyetewd ed ah iiueeaegnnwul a. peairginsefebah edsfth e ara tm rnctaesua hc serol iT oy eatghttsAi s a md.oht t cateehtocrhmAoacmrhsVicAau reberiTsna mDalrconPuo trewat acen uhhhn eo htretc tiegdyu at thnrbesTie
5 40Htea:lh
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as:e isvPrmd habAe grabonspw hcto.emsaa iry tiaehd s Tsnan denycbyelr
Aic:evtmara o cta lae enboyTa.cnipsc eortairtarercs elne ontlha mru certyo uai
1a rekxbDAshu m
aiSfltuli1iiar Raxcc
1otiix R ncuNiltsoita
aAokmlodrcBce 2x h
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m xm1nilhuAaecB or
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