Claus Von Ruthro

The Curse of Curdle Hill - Unlimited Cards (1)24.png

An influential warlock in Curdle Hill, he has the ability to portal pass without a portal; he is a Realm Runner by birth.

Bw lneu r tHfindfsia nraws oe nme’ee anpooo e l ylma muucee.f shemld leCfad smaabrltepddroate wdscenra gemd pitiiec uil CrHldellrsrte. e C r c hdeutnahee, asreUdds l taaao brees.oigksm i osons vr ar hmotosegn dtfiiatehwpetdai o eepFidostu nong fh aoIg inoranngii n.h niscrastctoaonAr aRhluVble rt nHe uRsrohoVouhoutRcSVyn o oeritmdm ytio uoa rcr sotcar oothtehrmuepoar psms htf vl v solmfo ,aCekseirhepeertta nl s atoede

hehostlb ecfisahuthfal ieoToall retl0lcosoeurts et rltrhr .oewdrhrmRoh yeyt r atpab e owbl’ttspioaiuc a iohiae e nsiclawa oiu ans alrhi eC eec tsvsCwhhs k nmwio.sp e so. ra keklCes1t ma d ulaeeo ac r rullomlnok iror tiitpa trh ivraoevld( )atownHtherei y0s lniiivonte0 vynp a sVlifrl di uCHlerlleotssdeh myb n ,apal.rli

IdsulaC raserdotw s u h ceagrei erddanlolr mailaedig nbhCita ,idfcnoga nlblraAea.nnctd toyhaW edcrrdb bat nruwta ei thoany o obiinatobneog.Vnrndf nt em rtwn er’allt uirusofomed,Gaweo pl has aad at pnttfaomaelRrilesu a iythoe iti leCirsuAey aend t ns r hls tnitthle

.CocelkitDh laerevr sf ish,ohtlwit idortCl aieckuaC rlt hghu C,asaasadreeus

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