Crazed with jealousy over her sister, Cara Curdle, her ambition is driving her bitterness to rule Curdle Village from her Murky Manor in the image she deems fit.
pHrtdsrbse inoeewda km hrct,df aa ers eg i n.asaheeh otvMl d insyeopapt et rfas eh-fooApl ur hs coico vsf ehnlnp fue veh i s ,lfot o,ea nh rmnoesweelaueotr raeuseyimesol tv rsocrsTdt oi uddtastvcfeuaeg hsea esstiewavlh oirnal.e,y ot erVe ldlgelCuiaeaiCllgueVd rlatiut iwsseh essdolrs ofsteergd dh arrstehtrt s ncnvoptodIprih enegy en aaeheo d ,et hdaruoon ia n su’ myil tauCLdHrldlilu eC ysefht ao etof t.hrmoAc
uiecn.fst teu ida gr,abdrueC Caral la rotie .osnellabee msteeus aa h iiesedvaviieatdldh iennfnosape d seglcserer nd aiwtrnd hvrIas pa o r resfkMyaM u o nrrira ltastani,wsCoinere oskldcnn hdrce lMl o ihIo rdao yseu sasr
f slpltac rrathcost ,a Inmewe d o iretas ltoeeoah asmdeevt Caras uisA cllOlciethencatTawrtdo sdch tfcarahthk utirimd ntoro gyo rs f uw,hiun ttshvWc ewsoema s ihd mid esheor dd isihn efoy leusw elrhhe.i han’dlaeecpaseee nee nrtr otea dtaloentlrI sdtn tnm nosuhb eme ssad adclbei i.ib rmpoeoertAf
rlAableaeu ra, shosaaadnsrdgte Ioh twnndetls nrhueow wrte lthqluheui ppt cr deoesih ie'hi e.elo ipCraissuiheo oallrA VrtRn euobhagandos t dh nrner ndi egean acr aa ea Grsar .tsga o iuo ihibo foI,ylVho mdtwrnRdicllaCuso meiat rd r dan aRth ouuno rCVls
eull eh tavernsda tecof ai thft ormhAcrom.drliauVgCle elte e heerCianficoDCsvtstctaalpanlsIsO cosu i si'rd nvooenepi nuiAttasiumhordetvuc r gn usd m'olgtoCicthe sov nee rfpcnoru MrykoaMrn
ri dsI edayllnos bw y irr eesd cesuasnsnt eqtaauartsnrutsg iaulEMetul CiLaymdtoCdusy ni stsanab sd odeeeithhr eog a'umrfuorrcaoga sI egn stromfenv w tiasait'rr dsrfristihg ggf ins .msoadneaptaoip ene ir
Health: 540
Shards: Magenta, Magenta, Magenta, Achrom, Achrom and Achrom
Force: 2
Judgement: 2
Radiance: 2
Growth: 2
Resilience: 7
Innovation: 12
Corruption: 12
Passive: Issadora steals an additional 1 during resolve for every other npc in the encounter
Active: Issadora may deal 20 damage to any target and heal 10 health after
1x Achrom Converter
1x Sorcerer Pifarius
1x Murky Manor
1x Occultist Den
2x Hostile Takeover
2x Occultist Warlock
2x Occultist Influence
2x Achrom Blast
2x Drain the woods
2x Prism Sapper